The Ghosts

The ghosts are known mostly as “confined”, dead who must remain on this earth for some sort of punishment or for not having completed something they were held to, or that they particularly wanted.
They are manifested through a true apparition or by the sounds they reproduce (a cry, a lullaby of a crib …).
We have also included in this group the dead who return for their party on November 2nd: they are several stories related mostly to chestnuts (the dead eat the rice presses), or to the theme of returning to their own bed and home.
Videostories (only in Italian)
Below a list of videostories to read/listen to:
- La Fantasma
- Le fate di Corfino
- I fuochi fatui
- I confinati
- Il prete con il libro in mano
- Il prete con il messale in mano
- Matt Mattè
- Matt Mattè2
- L’or di notte – Piazza al Serchio
- Il fantasma dell’amore
- Andare come uno spirito – Cascio
- Le castagne per i morti
- Dissensi ferroviari – Pontecosi
- Fosse delle More e fosso dei Marani – Chiozza
- Maestaina a Sillicano – Camporgiano
- Il fantasma guardiano
- Cinghiali e Ave Maria – Borsigliana
- Fantasmi alla casa in Salceta – Careggine
- Spostamento di confine – Gramolazzo
- Il fantasma della Giana – Vagli di Sotto
- Lavandaie di notte – Villetta
- Il libro dell’esorcista – Gorfigliano